Pastel Paws Perfect Pups Collection

Pastel Paw Dog Personalised Photo Panel


Pastel Paw Dog Personalised Photo Panel

Display your furry friend in style with our Pastel Paw Dog Personalised Photo Panel! Choose a special photo of your dog and add their name for a truly unique and heart warming addition to your home. The beautiful pastel paw design adds a touch of charm to this high-quality panel.

PERSONALISED INFO: This item can have one or two lines (one line in the photo) Each line can have a MAX 14 spaces. Text will be printed as left. 

Size - 5 x 7 Inch1 PC - Photo Panel, 1 PC - stand

Please note this is for one item, No other items will be included.  PLEASE NOTE: By purchasing this item you confirm that all details of your order are correct and final - Unfortunately no requests for changes can be accepted, due to the item being personalised. Please note colours may change from item to item. The same pattern is used, but due to how to items are printed they colours can change slightly.