Custom Tin

Secret Sweets Personalised Metal Tin


Secret Sweets Personalised Metal Tin

Delight loved ones with the ultimate surprise gift - a Secret Sweets Personalised Metal Tin! This sweet tin features a customisable design, perfect for adding a special touch to special occasions. Keep treats hidden away or show off a special treat - either way.

PERSONALISED INFO: Both lines are personalised. Line one - MAX 16 Spaces  (Emily's), Line Two - MAX 18 Spaces (SECRECT SWEETS). Line two will be spilt on to two lines. 

Size - 19.8cm x 12.8cm x 5cm 

Please note this is for one item, No other items will be included.  PLEASE NOTE: By purchasing this item you confirm that all details of your order are correct and final - Unfortunately no requests for changes can be accepted.